Friday, February 27, 2009


Gamete: Sexual protoplasmic body (egg or sperm), which unites with another for reproduction.

Gamopetalous: With united petals either throughout their length or at the base.

Gamosepalous: With united sepals.

Gene: The unit of inheritance located on the chromosome.

Genetics: The science dealing with heredity.

Geniculate: Bent like a knee.

Genome: A set of chromosomes as contained within the gamete and corresponds to the haploid chromosome number of the species.

Genotype: The genetic make-up of an organism comprising the sum total of its genes, both dominant and recessive; a group of organisms with the same genetic makeup.

Geophilous: On or from the ground.

Glabrescent: Becoming glabrous or nearly so.

Glabrous: Devoid of hairs.

Glandular: Having or bearing secreting organs or glands.

Glaucous: Pale bluish green, or with a whitish bloom which rubs off.

Globose: Spherical or nearly so.

Glomerate: Compactly clustered.

Glumes: The lower two sterile bracts at the base of grass spikelets.

Glutinous: Sticky.

Gynaecium: The female part or pistil of a flower, consisting, when complete, of one or more ovaries with their styles and stigmas.

Gynophore: A stalk supporting the gynaecium formed by elongation of the receptacle prolonged within the perianth. 

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